Help Fondazione ANT Italia ONLUS to provide specialized medical care at home, at no additional cost to patients and their families.
Research, training and prevention
Fondazione Ant Italia ONLUS was founded in 1978 to provide free home care to adults and children suffering from cancer. The Foundation operates with a team of doctors, nurses and psychologists, financed by the Foundation itself, and since 2004 it has also been involved in free cancer prevention.
That’s why the activities carried out by volunteers are fundamental: it is mainly thanks to their support that ANT is able to be so close to those in pain.

Stalls for ANT
Volunteers sell solidarity products in Florence’s main squares, shopping malls and various community centers to fund free home care for adults and children with cancer and ANT’s free cancer prevention campaigns.

Charity Points
Charity points are outlets for various kinds of items, run by volunteers. A lot of tidying up and inventory is also involved. Proceeds from sales fund free home care for adults and children with cancer.

Lab in Office
Volunteers participating in the Lab in Office Project carry out manual and inherent activities within the internal organization, such as composing ANT’s baskets and packaging other products, which they embellish with accessories.