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The Association Catholique Internationale au Service de la Jeunesse Féminine (ACISJF) is a non-governative association (NGO) born in 1897 in Friburg, to help young women living far from their homeland. The first citizen committee in Florence was established in 1936 with the opening of a Listening Center in Santa Maria Novella,central railway station. From 2004 the association has managed the HELP CENTER, a project of the State Railways Group, funded by the Tuscany Region and in agreement with the Municipality of Florence. Furthermore, since 2005, the Association manages the first-level reception structure “Casa Serena” for single women and mothers with minors, who live away from their family network of origin in a social difficulty and marginalization condition. ACISJF offers a free-of-charge help service for everyone who gets in touch with us, with no distinction based on gender, nationality, religion or social status, thus embracing the empowerment-oriented approach and serving as a getaway from the unhealthy and risky context of street living. The range of services offered by the “Help Center” and “Casa Serena” goes beyond a charity-based approach and, through the collaboration with the institutional citizen services, it is aimed at the self-determination of the person on the basis of three principles: prevention, implemented through temporary housing in accommodations affiliated with the social services of the municipality of Florence or, in case of emergency, in private accommodations; integration, by supporting the person in the search for work and suitable accommodation; the promotion of everyone’s individual resources, through the organization of free training courses.
When did the project start?
October 2023
What are the volunteer’s tasks?
The volunteer will participate during beginner classes to support the teacher with activities to facilitate conversation and learning.
When do the activities take place?
Activities will be held on Mondays (TB)-from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
Help Center office, viale Valfonda 1- Florence Near the main train station
What are the requirements to participate?
Minimum Age:
You must be at least 18 years old on the start date of the program to participate.
Language skills: Elementary level of the Italian language
Required documents:
Are there any costs to participate?
A fee of €10 is required for membership and insurance.
Any other relevant information?
You are convinced that every human being has inalienable dignity.